The only one installation
March-May 2023
Kamellenbuttek, LX
Light and photography installation
“The only one” is a sequence of images showing the blooming of an amaryllis, symbol of the forgotten beautiful lives.
The central light installation is the symbol of the sun, a cercle of the continuous birth of nature.
• Technique: Photography on calque paper, neon light, cardboard in an aluminium frame. Stripe of 15 images and text on a canvas sheet.
• Format aluminium installation:
55cm x 70cm x 10cm.
• Format canavas sheet: 385cm x 15cm.

November 2022
CAL Luxembourg
Art photography triptique
The “Triangle” image represents the moment of taking off. “Line” is the beginning of lifting off, near the ground. “Circle” is the final moment of detachment from materiality.
The art work evokes the wind, this natural element whose power lifts the earthly objects.
• Technique: Triptych of photographs printed on aluminum dibond.
• Format: 53cm x 70cm
• “The floating” is a sequence of three images of floating legs above the ground.
The technique of Aluminium print uses the materiality of reflected light in the white, non printed areas, and the feeling of charcoal granularity in the dark areas.